Great Truths is no longer only a dream.
Ben has succeeded in creating a significant proportion of the material which will be the foundation of Great Truths. This material has been peer reviewed and evaluated both here in the UK and by evangelical leaders in the majority world. Feedback has been extremely positive and there is a hunger to start the process of distribution.
Personal Relationships & Leadership Networks
Ben has developed relationships with Christian leaders in many other majority world countries – including Eastern Europe, Asia, and Latin America – as he has refined his own thinking on both the need and the opportunity.
Great Truths – a high quality multimedia guide to Biblical teaching, available without charge – is the response to this need. In fact, since returning from South Africa, Ben has dedicated his life to developing Great Truths.
Team I
- Benjamin Dean, Founder & Content Director – Theologian & former Dean of Postgraduate Studies (PhD, Cambridge)
- Mark O’Donoghue, Director of Strategy – Former Editorial & Mission Director of Equipping Pastors Worldwide, Vicar of Christ Church Kensington, and City Minister of St Helen’s Bishopsgate.
Team II
- Jeremy Marshall, Lead Advisor – Philanthropist, Chair of multiple charities, & former CEO of London’s oldest private bank
- Robert Doyle, Lead Content Reviewer – Theologian & former Director of Postgraduate Studies (PhD, Aberdeen)
Team III
- Alan Witchalls, Media Producer – Director, Video Bible Media
- Renate van Beynum, Visual Identity Designer – Concept Creator and Strategy Consultant
- Jon Bradley, Web Designer & Developer – Creative Director, Ninefootone
Helping leaders and believers know the Scriptures
There are three kinds of content, translated into the world’s largest languages:
- THEMES – summarizing 70 big-pattern Bible teachings
- BOOKS – explaining the distinctive emphases and contribution of each book of the Bible
- PASSAGES – expounding 500 key Bible texts
First stage beginning with helicopter rides across the big patterns of Biblical teaching. Topic-by-topic, clearly explaining and summarizing what the whole Bible says about its most important themes:
- Revelation and Scripture
- God & Humanity
- Jesus Christ
- The Holy Spirit & Salvation
- The Church
- The Future
- Clear explanation of key Bible themes and passages
- Held in harmony with classical creeds and confessions
- Informed by insights of great Bible teachers and theologians from the past and today
- Understandable, easily digestible, well-structured, and comprehensive
Table of Contents
The Revelation of God
- The Gospel of Jesus Christ
- The Nature of Revelation
- General Revelation
- Special Revelation
- Holy Scripture
- Arguments for the Existence of God
The Triune God
- The Holy Trinity
- The Attributes of God
- The Decrees of God
- The Creation of the Universe
- The Spiritual Creatures
- Humanity
- Sin and Death
- Evil
- Providence
- Miracles
The Person and Work of Jesus Christ
- Incarnation
- The God-Man: One Person, Two Natures
- The Uniqueness of Christ
- Son, Saviour, Messiah, Lord, and Servant
- Life and Ministry
- Approaches to the Work of Christ
- The Death of Christ
- Atonement
- The Resurrection of Jesus Christ: Part I and Part II
- The Ascension of Christ
- The King of God’s Kingdom
- The Mediator
The Holy Spirit and Salvation
- Biblical Theology of the
- Person and Work of the Holy Spirit
- Union with Christ
- The Holy Spirit and the Presence of the Future
- The Holy Spirit and the Christian Life
- Salvation and its Order
- The Election of Grace
- Calling
- Illumination and Regeneration
- Conversion, Faith, and Repentance
- Justification, Adoption, and Assurance
- Sanctification
- The Christian Life
- Gifts of the Holy Spirit
- Perseverance
- Glorification
The People of God
- Ekklēsia – ‘assembly’, ‘congregation’, ‘gathering’, ‘meeting’
- The Body and Bride of Christ
- The Communion of Saints
- Images
- Marks and Attributes
- Governance and Leadership
- Christian Initiation
- Baptism
- Holy Communion
- Worship and Prayer
- Pastoral Ministry
- Preaching
- Evangelism
- Mission
- Apologetics
- Church, Society, and the State
- ‘The Pillar and Bulwark of the Truth’
The Future
- What Happens When We Die?
- Events of the End Times
- The Return of Jesus Christ
- The Resurrection of the Dead
- The Final Judgment
- The Final State