Summarizing Biblical teaching
- Topic-by-topic overview – Revelation, God, Humanity, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Salvation, Church, Future
- Book-by-book introductions – beginning with the Gospels, Acts, and writings of Paul
- Clear explanation of key passages
- Accurate – peer reviewed by dedicated experts
- Held in harmony with classical creeds and confessions
- Informed by insights of great Bible teachers and theologians from the past and today
- Understandable, easily digestible, well-structured, and comprehensive
100,000 words and sample video presentations on the following topics are available to view
Coming soon in 2023
- Sample full-length audio (March)
- 150,000 words on THE GOSPEL (April)
- Sample eBooks (April)
- 50,000 words on THE NATURE OF SCRIPTURE (June)
- Content on 20 key topics (end of 2023), including: The Trinity and Attributes of God | Humanity | Evil | Providence | The Uniqueness of Jesus Christ | Atonement | Regeneration | Conversion | Justification | The Final Judgment | Hell and Heaven
- Commissioning Editor appointed
Table of Contents
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part One
The Revelation of God
- The Gospel of Jesus Christ
- The Nature of Revelation
- General Revelation
- Special Revelation
- Holy Scripture
- Arguments for the Existence of God
Part Two
The Triune God
- The Holy Trinity
- The Attributes of God
Part Three
- The Decrees of God
- The Creation of the Universe
- The Spiritual Creatures
- Humanity
- Sin and Death
- Evil
- Providence
- Miracles
Part Four
The Person and Work of Jesus Christ
- Incarnation
- The God-Man: One Person, Two Natures
- The Uniqueness of Christ
- Son, Saviour, Messiah, Lord, and Servant
- Life and Ministry
- Approaches to the Work of Christ
- The Death of Christ
- Atonement
- The Resurrection of Jesus Christ: Part I and Part II
- The Ascension of Christ
- The King of God’s Kingdom
- The Mediator
Part Five
The Holy Spirit and Salvation
- Biblical Theology of the
- Person and Work of the Holy Spirit
- Union with Christ
- The Holy Spirit and the Presence of the Future
- The Holy Spirit and the Christian Life
- Salvation and its Order
- The Election of Grace
- Calling
- Illumination and Regeneration
- Conversion, Faith, and Repentance
- Justification, Adoption, and Assurance
- Sanctification
- The Christian Life
- Gifts of the Holy Spirit
- Perseverance
- Glorification
Part Six
The People of God
- Ekklēsia – ‘assembly’, ‘congregation’, ‘gathering’, ‘meeting’
- The Body and Bride of Christ
- The Communion of Saints
- Images
- Marks and Attributes
- Governance and Leadership
- Christian Initiation
- Baptism
- Holy Communion
- Worship and Prayer
- Pastoral Ministry
- Preaching
- Evangelism
- Mission
- Apologetics
- Church, Society, and the State
- ‘The Pillar and Bulwark of the Truth’
Part Seven
The Future
- What Happens When We Die?
- Events of the End Times
- The Return of Jesus Christ
- The Resurrection of the Dead
- The Final Judgment
- The Final State