
  • Digital formats are permanent yet cost-effective to produce and distribute
  • On demand free content is easily accessible virtually everywhere by virtually everyone wherever they are whenever they like
  • Online video and downloadable audio are top priorities | potential audience many times greater than text | audio reaches the biggest audience of all
  • Electronic text is fully searchable and easily navigable (section headings hyperlinked to text) | eBooks are downloadable
  • Full searchability and hyperlinked subsection headings will be added

Online Video and Downloadable Audio

Far more people listen and watch than read. Partly this is a matter of time – a book takes much longer to read than a video does to watch. It is also a matter of education and literacy level – some people are intimidated by books and lengthy written material.

Online video allows the spoken word to have comparable effect and impact as both live performance and the written word, but to a vastly greater number of people.

With downloadable audio this reach is magnified further. You don’t have to sit and watch an audio podcast. You can walk around. You can drive. You can cook. You can do the dishes. Many people can do their daily work while listening to podcasts.

People can access video and audio whenever they want to. They can also do it in private.

Far more people will watch online video than will read. And many more people still will listen to downloadable audio  and podcasts than will read. The potential audience for video and audio media is many times bigger – we have no idea about exact figures – than for textual format.


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