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The gospel can be cast in both careful formal language as well as in everyday informal language. It is something that addresses and speaks to all of us, something that all of us can grasp hold of, understand, and relate to at whatever level we will. ... There is a comprehensiveness and an immensity to the Biblical good news. Yet all its elements are interlinked, gathered around a central strand, unified by a single person. ...
The first sentence of the Bible explains that God created both ‘the heavens and the earth’. This indicates that the environment that we inhabit is twofold. God’s world is comprised of two parts. The physical universe – ‘earth’ – has a counterpart in the spiritual universe – ‘the heavens’. There are then two distinct dimensions of created reality, two interlocking spheres, directly connected in some respects and more indirectly linked in others.
Whether it is a hardened atheist ... or an angst-ridden artist ... or in specifically religious contexts, we appear irresistibly drawn to spiritual questions that are personal and experiential in nature. And it is God, the Creator of our material and spiritual world, who confronts us in Genesis 1 and throughout this first book of the Bible.


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